Cobra Pose
During the first weeks of Covid lockdown, I (and probably everyone else in the world) was very lost. We were living in a different world overnight. Everything was cloudy and tenuous.
My daily yoga practice took on a new meaning. At first, checking on my heart and lung health was a big priority. Half Tortoise opened the back of my lungs, Cobra opened my chest and heart. When I did get Covid, not being able to breathe well was horrifying. I was so thankful to have decades of pranayama (breathing exercises) practice.
Throughout the dark days, months, years of the pandemic, I kept hearing Bikram’s voice clearly and loudly “YOGA MAKES YOU YOU”.
Yoga means UNION. Union of the body, mind and breath. Union of the individual self and the universal consciousness. This union neutralizes the “lower case” self (ego) and helps the “upper case” SELF shine through.
My daily yoga practice helps pull me out of the daily turbulence and stay centered and balanced.