Hip Flexor Health
The Psoas and Iliacus Muscles help connect the legs to the hips and the hips to the lower spine. These muscles tend to be stiffer and weaker than they should be.
The Rectus Femoris Muscle (also a hip flexor) is the only one of the quadriceps muscles that crosses both the hip and the knee joints.
Keeping the Hip Flexor Muscles strong and flexible can help prevent imbalance and injury in the hips, knees and lower back.
Bulgarian Split Squats stretch back leg hip flexors. Strengthen front leg quadriceps and glutes. Improve balance and concentration.
The Hip Thrust strengthens the glutes and hamstrings and stretches the hip flexors.
Active Couch Stretch stretches hip flexors. Actively push the top of the toes into the back mat, wall or couch using the strength of the rectus femoris.
Fixed Firm Pose stretches entire front of body. Press the tops of the feet into the floor. Toes and heels in line. Feel the stretch in the midpoint of rectus femoris (not attachment points at the knees). Spine is neutral.
Camel Pose stretches hip flexors and chest. Press feet and lower legs into floor. Minimal low back curve, maximum chest opening.
Bow Pulling Pose strengthens standing leg. Kicking back foot into hand strengthens quadriceps and stretches hip flexors. Stretches chest, strengthens balance. Minimal low back curve, maximum chest opening.
Triangle Pose strengthens quadriceps and glutes. Stretches hip flexors and chest. Improves balance and concentration.
Half Locust Pose strengthens lifted leg glutes, hamstrings and lower back. Stretches lifted leg hip flexors.
Standing Head to Knee strengthens standing leg and hip muscles. Strengthens hip flexors of lifted leg and abdominal muscles. Strengthens triceps and biceps of the arm, trapezius and deltoids of the shoulders and the latissiumus dorsi muscles of the back. Strengthens concentration.
Wind Relieving Pose strengthens bent leg hip flexor when you PULL knee to chest. Relaxes straight leg on the floor. And it removes wind!
Remember to only stretch through a position when you feel strong in it! You own the yoga pose when your mind is focused, your breath is controlled and you are stable.